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At the beginning of the year, I was selected to take part in a fantastic local area art project called "Herky on Parade."  This year is extra special, as it is the 75th anniversary of the University of Iowa Hawkeyes mascot, Herky!  It is also the 20th anniversary of the Herky on Parade project.  

I got to pick up this fantastically large statue at the beginning of February, and my work began in the cold, unforgiving environment that is my garage.

I was eager to get started - and spent every single moment where I wasn't working, sleeping or eating with this statue.  I agonized over him in every free hour and had horrible nightmares where he was just following me around during everything I did.

Two months later, 170 clocked hours (who knows how accurate that is), some slight mishaps along the way, and countless TV shows watched and albums listened to - I finished.  We loaded him up in our tiny little truck and took him back to the event organizers for his final spray coat.

On May 1st, the exhibit will go live and a map will be released at 11:00 a.m., showing all of the locations of the Herky statues.  After the exhibit goes public, I'll start sharing pictures of the time I spent with him, a time lapse video of me working on the front of him and so much more fun stuff so you can see inside the process of his creation!  Stay tuned! 

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